According to CNBC, Americans are rushing to do online Wills in the face of the corona pandemic. We know that times are scary right now and you are tempted to make a hurried decision. We also know you are thinking something is better than nothing, right? Not necessarily. For many Californians, you will need a Trust. For example, a Trust avoids probate in California and a Will does not. Trusts are extremely complex documents that have great legal and tax consequences. We do not recommend drafting a Trust on your own. You can create greater problems for yourself and your loved ones when you attempt to draft your own Trust.
That being said, a do it yourself Advanced Health Care Directive is better than nothing. If you are over the age of 18, we urge you, at the very least, to please consider going on-line and downloading a free generic fillable Advance Health Care Directive form from the Office of the Attorney General at so that you can specify your wishes regarding medical care and life and death decisions.
Our office continues to operate during these uncertain times. We are here to help.
Stay safe and well.